Some Caring Tips for Your Healthy Teeth | Dental Care Blogs

Being pregnant is a journey in itself, and if it wasn’t hard enough already, pregnant women have to keep a close eye on their overall oral health. While the body is changing, your mouth is no exception. For example, 40% of pregnant women are prone to getting some sort of gum disease.

Why Does This Happen?

First, by understanding why, you will be able to combat these side effects that come with bearing life to existence. While pregnant, the baby needs nutrients and all that goodness to grow, so your body removes some of the calcium within your teeth to give to your baby. This can cause soft and weak teeth, as well as swelling.


In addition to causing discomfort and swelling in the gums, gingivitis can damage the tissues that keep your teeth in place if left untreated. Additionally, you have a higher chance of developing gum disease, dental decay, eroding teeth, and benign gum lesions.

Why Does it Matter?

According to several studies, there may be a connection between gum disease and a higher chance of unfavourable pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, low birth weight, or pre-eclampsia. However, additional studies have not found a link between gum disease and unfavourable pregnancy outcomes or any indication that treating it lowers those risks.


It’s always best in any cause of concern to check with a health professional, whether that is your dentist in Leamington Spa or straight to the GP doctor’s office, as any untreated dental or gum infections may be dangerous for you and your unborn child, according to the American Dental Association and the American College of Nurse-Midwives.


Therefore, keeping your teeth healthy isn’t just for aesthetics or your health, but for your baby’s health.

How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

As pregnancy can affect your oral health, it’s best to do everything you can to prevent any damage and maintain a happy, healthy mouth. Stick to these tips, and it will help:


  • Twice a day, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth. Tooth decay, gum disease, and plaque accumulation can all be avoided by brushing twice a day.
  • Use fluoride-containing toothpaste to strengthen enamel and help eradicate plaque.
  • Chew gum two to three times a day, either sugar-free or xylitol-containing, since it helps reduce the amount of plaque on your teeth.
  • Eat less sugar because it turns into acid and causes plaque to form on teeth. Tooth decay and periodontal disease may result from this.
  • Choose healthier snacks, such as cheese, yoghurt, and raw fruits and vegetables, as they are lower in sugar.
  • Sip on water or low-fat milk, as these are low in or free of sugar. Steer clear of effervescent or bubbly drinks, as they are high in sugar.
  • Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to develop periodontal disease; therefore, avoid smoking and vaping throughout pregnancy.
  • Regular checkups with your Cheltenham dentist before, during and after pregnancy


It’s best to ensure you’re taking all advice given by your doctor, which will ensure you’re having the best possible experience with your oral health during pregnancy.